ReBooking: The Men’s 2023 Rumble

So the Royal Rumble has come and gone, and it was the first of the Triple H regime. It was memorable, but it was also very…lacking. Some things were done well and others not so well. Today we will go through the match many spend all year waiting for, and see what we can correct in a rebooking of the Men’s 2023 Royal Rumble.

The men’s Rumble this year kicked off with two of the big bruiser's in the business today in Gunther and Sheamus. That was a great way to kick off things, even though I am not a huge fan of Sheamus as a babyface, but seeing him consistently and not injured is nice. a few more guys come in, nothing really to note, then Karrion “Don’t Call Me Killer” Kross came out and was quickly dumped out which I found quite surprising. This guy should of been in there for quite a while, but I guess he is becoming another failed hire from Triple H. Drew McIntyre was the next big guy in and doing big guy stuff with his Banger Bro Sheamus. We had the obligatory Lashley/Lesnar segment, and soon were both gone, which was fine. Seth Rollins was the next real name that could win, then Rey being a no-show due to a legit injury suffered the night before. Dom “Is a worse wrestler than Logan Paul” Mysterio was next, then soon the Judgement Day group was all in the ring, with the gasp return of Edge (I thought the internet reported he would face Balor in Hell in a Cell at Rumble? Fuck you Meltzer). Then we got down to the last few spots, and the question was, where was Cody gonna come out to? Well this is where the Rumble went down the shitter for me. Cody coming out at 30 was horrible. Not that he was in the Rumble or even if he won, just how it was all handled. Cody came out at 30, had a full match with Gunther who had been out there for 60+ mins, and was having trouble (way to push your superstar Tirps). In the end Cody won and the internet is already ready to turn on him because they want Sami, but thats for a later time. Now lets get to how I would book things…

First of foremost, I will book Cody winning, just not the way they did it. And the one thing I would do before the event is to NEVER announce that Cody was coming back. You know you have shit for surprises this year, and this one would of helped the whole event let alone this match. With that out of the way, I would keep the first 2/3’s of the match the same, including Kofi eating shit trying his “kofi Spot” which I would ban for a few couple years, because it is the worst part of the Rumble now. Now I would also do whatever it took to get another good surprise in the Rumble this year, possibly Cardona, not Jay White, even another “legend” like Scott Steiner who just signed a Legends contract with brother Rick. Hell even Bron Breakker would be fine, but take someone out like Otis, and at 28, have this surprise come out. Then we have 29, and that will be Cody, it would be the greatest return spot for him. Then at 30, you have Logan Paul. People will think someone even bigger than Cody would come out after him, then you have the heat-magnet come out as every hates him already so it works. The fans are happy, and now you have things play out the same way, but in my booking I would have Cody and Rollins as the last two. Now if I had full control, I would have Rhodes/Rollins reenact the 94’ Rumble of Hart/Luger. This way you can have Rollins one night and Rhodes the other, but we all know that Sami Zayn is now the Daniel Bryan/Kofi Kingston simpathetic babyface that might get a shot at Mania, which I am okay with as well.

And that is how I would of rebooked the Men’s 2023 Royal Rumble.


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