A Match in Time Re:View - Shane and the Beanstalk


SETTING THE STAGE - The date is April 29th, 2001. The venue is the Allstate Arena, in Rosemont Illinois. The match? David vs. Goliath in modern terms. Shane McMahon for the second straight year (post-WrestleMania that is) faced with the challenge of subduing the Giant known as the Big Show. But it is a lot more than just a normal match. We are coming off WrestleMania 17, where Shane McMahon had defeated his father in a Street Fight. This also coming off of Shane revealing that he had signed the paperwork and bought WCW right from under his father's grasp. Mr. McMahon was less than pleased at both happenings within a week, and sought some revenge in the form of the Big Show. It all started when Shane was trying to recruit WWF names to his new WCW and seemingly had found his first man in Big Show. Well, if you wouldn't know who won the pony, Big Show was aligned with Mr. McMahon and quickly turned on Shane with a massive chokeslam. The fighting would continue and include big man Test in the fray after sneak attacks left Big Show and then Test reeling. Shane would then introduce his fairy tale ending to the match via "Shane and the Beanstalk". It just asked the question, which competitor would fall from the beanstalk at Backlash?

RE:VIEWING THE MATCH - Our match today starts with Shane entering with his fairy tale book and quickly running from the big man. The cat and mouse games would go under the ring with Shane getting the slight advantage to start off with. But as soon as it started it ended with a massive clothesline. Shane would try everything he could, from massive chair shots, to using his book as weapons. Shane would ultimately bring out ether/chloroform (was never truly named on commentary) to subdue the Big Show, in one of the more unique ways a wrestler has tried to put his opponent down for the ten count in a Last Man Standing match. However, the count would get interrupted with Mr. McMahon coming down to make the save, bashing his own son multiple times with a steel chair. Both men would answer the 10 count, with Big Show actually costing himself the match by picking Shane up. Big Show was more interested in dealing pain then winning the match at this point. This would continue over and over until Test would show up, with a massive boot to the face of Big Show. Big Show would turn his attention to Test for a while, until all 3 men made their way up the entrance-way. Big Show would find a lead pipe and would chase Shane up the stage setting. Test would subdue Big Show with weapon shots and punches. This gave Shane time to say his prayers and plunge over 25 feet from the set and through Big Show's heart. The problem was that both men were not going to get up, so ever the crafty one, Test found a camera crane and stood the McMahon son up enough to win the match and make a moment that no one would ever forget.

BREAKING IT DOWN - Well there we have it, one of the craziest bumps anyone has ever done (safely). Overall as a match there is not much to see here. Wikipedia has this match listed at less than 12 minutes, which is very short for a Last Man Standing match. Plus beyond the big spot of the match, there isn't much more than punches and weapon shots. I mean most Last Man Standing matches don't have chin locks or chain wrestling, but it is what it is. I really think it is safe to say that 2001 was a banner year for Shane. Mania 17, Backlash, King of the Ring, and his work for the Invasion, Shane was everywhere for the whole year. Like I just stated, Shane would move forward with Kurt Angle at King of the Ring in one of the best matches of 2001, and then onto the Invasion of WCW/ECW vs. WWF. Big Show on the other hand would get a shot at Tets and Rhyno for the Hardcore title next month at Judgement Day, then was pretty much an afterthought during the Invasion. He would form the Big Ass Show with Billy Gunn, so...yeah...that happened too. But as for this match, it was a stinker until Shane risked it all.

RATING - 5.5 out of 11 (Extra point for big bump alone)

Well another match in the books, about a million more to review. I''ll catch up eventually probably. But if there is a match I should add to the list, leave a comment and I'll will get to it very soon, but for now, STAY TUNED!!!


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