A Match in Time: Undertaker Debut

Today's review comes to us via request from Jeffy, and he chose for me to take a look at the introduction to the world of the one and only Undertaker at Survivor Series 1990.  Don't forget to leave a comment for the match you want to see reviewed next.  Only got one left in requests and need more!  Enjoy!


SETTING THE STAGE - On November 22nd, 1990, only a few months before my birth, The WWF ran the fourth annual Survivor Series.  Emanating from the Hartford Civic Center, in Connecticut, the WWF were heading fast towards the 7th WrestleMania.  But let's focus whats going on now in wrestling and the world.  The world was flipped upside down, as Operation Desert Storm was enacted in only August, with full on war starting two days after the next year's Royal Rumble, and would soon bleed into the wrestling world with former US hero Sgt. Slaughter becoming an Iraqi Sympathizer.  However at this time, the lackluster World Title reign of The Ultimate Warrior was still waging until said Rumble where Slaughter would dethrone the 'roided goon Warrior.  In the other company of WCW, Sting is still reigning high as champion, and is in for the fight of his life against the dreaded BLACK SCORPIAN...yeah I know, another stinker.  Not as big as the stinker that was about to be laid on this night.  See what I did there?  A mysterious egg had appeared and was set to hatch this night, and good lord what was Vince smoking this time?  The Gobbeldy Gooker debuted, with poor Hector Guerrero donning the horrible gimmick. It was meant to be a mascot, but it soon had the worst gimmick written all over it and was quickly canned.  But let's get to the debut we are actually here for.

The Undertaker, aka Mark Calloway, aka Mean Mark Callous, aka the Deadman, debuted on this night, with manager Brother Love (not Paul Bearer at first, a shock to some).  There isn't much I can say that hasn't already said about this 40 plus year career.  When I got into wrestling, he was the American Badass, so I have always had a soft spot for that era of Taker over the Deadman gimmick.  Which I know I am in the minority.  But to me The Last Ride was so much better than the Hell's Gate, but that's my opinion in my blog, but moving on.  Undertaker was about to be out in WCW, and green as hell, but his look captivated Vince and he was soon on his way to Legend status.  This is the night and the moment that will be etched in history, and we are going to take a look right now!

REVIEWING THE MATCH - The match starts with Dusty's team making it's way to to the ring followed by Ted's.  But Ted is missing a man, and finally calls out his last teammate, accompanied to the ring by his manager Brother Love.  The Undertaker takes his first steps towards immortality, and begins the match for his team against Bret Hart.  Taker easily overpowers the Hitman with a falling chokeslam, and is soon taking down each man on the Dream Team.  Koko would be the first to succumb to Taker's wrath with a picture perfect tombstone piledriver (which Koko would bitch and moan about landing on his head, when you can clearly tell he was being a wussy bitch as usual...don't get me started on the worthless P.O.S.).  Ted's team takes the early 4-3 advantage, with Bret returning to the ring next.  The hits would not register from the Hitman, so I guess the Undertaker got bored, and tagged in Valentine.  Dusty would soon be in the ring, as the team would tag in and out as they rotated the beating of Valentine.  Greg would finally get out of the beating and tag Honky in.  Neidhart would get the next tag in and easily over power Honky with a powerslam, and we would be back to 3 on 3.  Dibiase would come in next to square off against the Anvil.  But Jim would tag in the Dream, so he could finally get his hands on the man who had caused the Dream so much grief over the last few months.  Dibiase would get an assit from his man Virgil, which allowed Dibiase to get and easy pin on Anvil, leaving Dusty and Bret to face Ted, Greg, and The Undertaker.  Taker would be the next in to give Dusty and Bret a beating.  Taker would take his assault to the top rope, delivering a massive axe-handle, and putting Dusty away for the 3-1 advantage.  Brother Love would try and get some cheap shots in on Dusty as he was outside the ring.  Dusty would try and get some revenge but The Undertaker would come out to make the save, but Taker took too much time and Taker was counted out.  Ted Dibiase, and Greg Valentine, would be left to face Bret Hart.  Valentine would try the Figure 4, which Bret would reverse into a pin taking it to a 1 on 1 affair.  The two men would take the fight to the outside and back, wearing each other down.  At one point, Bret would feign a hurt knee, to get a roll-up.  Virgil would try and get involved, but was handed a Million Dollar fist to the face for his troubles.  Bret would go for the high octane moves, eventually going for a crossbody, which Ted would roll from and clinch in the 1-2-3.  

BREAKING IT DOWN - As a match, it was meh for me.  But two things really stood out for this match.  Bret Hart was already one of the best workers on the roster, at this point and it wouldn't be long until Bret was able to break away from the Anvil, and show the world what he had.  The finish of the match was bleh, and the eliminations really came out of nowhere in this one.  But that is not why we are here, we are hear to talk about The Undertaker and his debut.  Man did he really kick ass and come off as an unstoppable threat.  This night was one of the worst for Survivor Series as all the survivors would meet in a match later one as an ultimate survivor match, which of course Hogan and Warrior would win, so that made tricky planning on Taker's part.  Can't have Hogan kill him in his first night, so can't have him in the last match, so what to do?  Have him look great without really losing.  Taker getting counted out as he choked Dusty to death was perfect, and Taker still would be the talk of the the wrestling world from that night on.  

Rating - 5 out of 11 (debut of Taker 10 out of 11)



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