Top Ten SummerSlam Main Events

The WWE proclaimed "Biggest Party of the Summer", Summerslam is passed, so I thought best that we look into the main events of the Wrestling Mid-Summer Classic, and rank them from 11 to 1.  Why 11?  Watch "This is Spinal Tap" and you will know why.  Minor note, I am not counting any Money in the Bank cash-in's as the Main Event.  It will be the match that was actually advertised and the match that came before any cash-ins.

11. Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker (2015)
This one makes it onto the list for one and only one reason.  For that fact and that I could not really think of a full match that surpassed this one leaves me no choice but putting The Undertaker's sarcastic laugh as the 11 spot on this list.  Now it was an okay match with a crappy ending, followed up by a forgetful Hell in a Cell match, but this moment of Taker sarcastically
laughing back deserves a spot.

10. Lex Luger vs. Yokozuna (1993)
Every 90's fan of WWF remembers the Lex Express, as the newly turned babyface Lex Luger traveled around the country "campaigning" to be the one to face Yokozuna at Summerslam in 1993. With Hulk Hogan off filming crappy TV shows, Vince McMahon needed his new white meat baby face to face the foreign threat of the massive Yokozuna.Things would come to a head on the USS Intrepid for the Yokozuna Body Slam Challenge, as Luger arrived in a helicopter, and slammed the big man. Unfortunately at Summerslam Luger won by DQ and more or less the push was killed then and there. The eventual push would go back to Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 10. Therefore that is why this match is so low.

9. Roman Reigns vs. John Cena (2021)
I am putting last year's main event here for two reasons. 1. I must acknowledge my Tribal Chief, and 2. This match was not that bad. Cena can still go, even after taking so much time off between matches (Unlike The Rock, who gets gassed after 5 mins). It was an up and down affair with your usual OMG kick out spots, and a few other daring moments that you typically don't see in a Cena or Reigns match. I just really hated the build for the match, with Reigns telling Cena no to a match and then Cena pretty much stealing the shot from Finn Balor, cause he signed the contract first. Yeah, kinda lame and lazy.

8. John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar (2014)
This match was crazy. The true beginning of "Suplex City Bitch", as Lesnar threw poor John around like a rag-doll. It was all too shocking that Cena was fed to the wolves and pretty much jobbed out to the Beast Incarnate.

7. Randy Orton vs. Chris Benoit (2004)
I will probably never go into the Benoit stuff but i will review his matches and put it at that. Now this match was quite strange from a booking point of view. Yes Randy was becoming an up and coming star, and yes Benoit probably wasn't drawing that well as a Champion, but this really made no sense. But it would lead us to many things down the road that needed to happen. They needed to get the belt off Benoit and they had already established that HHH just couldn't beat Benoit. So what do we do? Drop it to someone else to drop it back to HHH. In comes the youngest champion ever. Orton would beat Benoit in Canada and the rest is history as they say. We get the thumbs down and Orton is off to the races to a main event star. That Summerslam had a very weird crowd and it was overall a weird night but Orton captured his first of World title gold.

6. Elimination Chamber (2003)

Now if this match did not go on last, Lesnar vs Angle would definitely take this year higher up. But HHH defended his title against Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, a newly haircutted Kevin Nash, heel Evolution Randy Orton, and the freight train Goldberg. This was the second ever Elimination Chamber match and it had big shoes to fill, and it didn't fully fill them. We are in the era of HHH's reign of terror, and that shows through in this match as Orton, his lackey, doing a fine job until he was eaten alive by Goldberg, just like everyone else in the match besides Nash, who caught a superkick, and proceeded to Jack-Knife everyone to hell (And would be his last match for quite some time), HHH would use his sledgehammer of burial with a nat 20 crit. Evolution would stand tall at the end of the night, like usual.

5. Jeff Hardy vs. C.M. Punk (2009)

Jeff Hardy and TLC, do I need say more? Well I will a little bit but if you are wondering why Jeff Hardy is in such horrible shape, doing these matches so frequently would be a reason. But the very nice slow burn turn of Punk into the Straight Edge Messiah was beautifully done in their previous matches. Punk would win the match and the title this night and Jeff would soon be out the door for many years, but this was a great cap on their amazing feud.

4. The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar (2002)

A lot of Brock and Undertaker matches main evented Summerslams. But this would be Brock's first and probably best. The Next Big Thing was here and the one and only Rock would be the one to do the honors for the rising star. The New York crowd pretty quickly turned on Rocky and would take that resentment to early the next year with his feuds with Hogan and Austin. But the star was born this night and Brock was truly strapped with a rocket that night.

3. Bret Hart vs. The Undertaker (1997)

This match was the true beginning of the path that led us to Survivor Series. Bret Hart faced the Undertaker with Shawn Michaels being the special guest ref. The match itself was just as great as you would expect from Hart and Taker. Hart would eventually win after spitting on Michaels, making HBK swing a chair and accidentally hitting Taker instead. Michaels said he would call it right down the middle, and kept his word as he counted the 1-2-3. This would of course also lead the the creation of DX and arguably the greatest gimmick match, HBK vs. Taker in HELL IN A CELL!

2. Edge vs. The Undertaker (2008)

Speaking of said Cell from the Hell. Undertaker and Edge had been feuding since WrestleMania 24, and this was the last stop. Taker had been put away "forever" after their TLC match, but due to Edge's cheating on Vicki Guerrero, was set to step into the Deadman's Domain. This match really sticks out to me, so it probably isn't number 2 on your list which is fine, it's my list and that's why I do this to get the conversation out there. But back to the match. A brutal match with everything from tables, chairs, Undertaker spears, and the eventual chokeslam through the mat into hell. Great stuff.

And number 1...

1. Bret Hart vs. British Bulldog (1992)

You all knew this was going to be number one, and that's why it is number one. Nothing can really compare to the Excellence of Execution, putting on a clinic, practically by himself. If you read Hart's book, you will learn that the whole summer Davey Boy instead of preparing for his biggest match, was off doing blow with Anvil. Hart tried to prepare his Brother-in-law for the match but once the bell rung Davey Boy was "fooked". Hart led the way and painted a masterpiece, which is still great viewing and always will be.

So how did I do? What did I miss? How would you rank them? If you are enjoying things so far try and subscribe or bookmark. And the biggest thing I need from you right now is to just spread the word! I know a few friends are out there, tell your wrestling buddies, tell your family, tell that cheesy greaseball local promoter, tell everyone!



A Match in Time: Undertaker Debut


A Match in Time: Mind Games