WWF WrestleMania X8 (2002)

March 17, 2002
Skydome, Toronto Ontario CAN
Attendance - 68,237 PPV Buy Rate - 860,000
Theme Song - “Tear Away” by Drowning Pool, & “Superstar” by Saliva

1. (Heat) Rikishi, Scotty 2 Hotty, & Albert def. Mr. Perfect, Lance Storm, & Test

2. WWF Intercontinental Championship - Rob Van Dam def. William Regal (c); Title Change

3. WWF European Championship - Diamond Dallas Page (c) def. Christian

4. WWF Hardcore Championship - Maven (c) vs. Goldust; Ended when Spike Dudley came out and pinned Maven under the 24/7 Rule

5. Kurt Angle def. Kane

6. No DQ Match - The Undertaker def. Ric Flair

7. Edge def. Booker T

8. Stone Cold Steve Austin def. Scott Hall

9. WWF Tag Team Championship (4-Corner Elimination Match) - Billy & Chuck (c) def. The APA (Bradshaw & Faarooq), The Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff), & The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von)

10. Icon vs Icon Match - The Rock def. Hollywood Hulk Hogan

11. WWF Women’s Championship (Triple Threat Match) - Jazz (c) def. Lita, & Trish Stratus

12. Undisputed WWF Championship - Triple H def. Chris Jericho (c); Title Match