WWF WrestleMania X-Seven (2001)
April 1, 2001
Reliant Astrodome, Houston TX
Attendance - 67,925 PPV Buy Rate - 1,040,000
Theme Song - “My Way” by Limp Bizkit
1. (Heat) X-Factor (X-Pac & Justin Credible) def. Grandmaster Sexay & Steve Blackman
2. WWF Intercontinental Championship - Chris Jericho (c) def. William Regal
3. The APA (Bradshaw & Faarooq) & Tazz def. Right to Censor (The Goodfather, Val Venis, & Bull Buchanan)
4. WWF Hardcore Championship (Triple Threat Match) - Kane def. Raven (c), & The Big Show; Title Change
5. WWF European Championship - Eddie Guerrero def. Test (c); Title Change
6. Kurt Angle def. Chris Benoit
7. WWF Women’s Championship - Chyna def. Ivory (c); Title Change
8. Street Fight - Shane McMahon def. Mr. McMahon
SGR - Mick Foley
9. WWF Tag Team Championship (Tables, Ladders, & Chairs Match) - Edge & Christian def. The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von) (c), & The Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff)
10. Gimmick Battle Royal - Iron Sheik won
11. The Undertaker def. Triple H
12. WWF Championship (No DQ Match) - Stone Cold Steve Austin def. The Rock (c)