WWF WrestleMania 2000 (2000)

April 2, 2000
Arrowhead Pond of Anaheim, Anaheim CA
Attendance - 19,776 PPV Buy Rate - 824,000

1. Big Boss Man & Bull Buchanan def. D’Lo Brown & The Godfather

2. WWF Hardcore Championship (15 Min. Hardcore Battle Royal) - Hardcore Holly def. Crash Holly (c), Tazz, The Acolytes (Bradshaw & Faarooq), Viscera, Kaientai (Taka Michinoku & Funaki), The Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher), & The Mean Street Posse (Joey Abs, Pete Gas, & Rodney); Title Change

3. T & A (Test & Albert) def. Steve Blackman & Al Snow

4. WWF Tag Team Championship (Triangle Ladder Match) - Edge & Christian def. The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von) (c), & The Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff); Title Change

5. Catfight - Terri Runnels def. The Kat
SGR - Val Venis

6. 6-Person Intergender Match - Too Cool (Scotty 2 Hotty & HGrandmaster Sexay), & Chyna def. The Radicalz (Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, & Perry Saturn)

7. WWF Intercontinental & European Championship (2-Fall Triple Threat Match) - 1st Fall (IC): Chris Benoit def. Kurt Angle (c), & Chris Jericho; Title Change / 2nd Fall (Euro): Chris Jericho def. Kurt Angle (c), & Chris Benoit; Title Change

8. Kane & Rikishi def. D-Generation X (X-Pac & Road Dogg)

9. WWF Championship (Fatal 4-Way Elimination Match) - Triple H (c) def. The Rock, Mankind, & The Big Show