WWF WrestleMania XV (1999)

March 28, 1999
First Union Center, Philadelphia PA
Attendance - 20,276 PPV Buy Rate - 800,000

1. (Heat) Jacqueline def. Ivory

2. (Heat) #1 Contendership Battle Royal for the WWF Tag Team Championship - D’Lo Brown & Test won

3. WWF Hardcore Championship (Triple Threat Match) - Hardcore Holly def. Al Snow, & Billy Gunn (c); Title Change

4. WWF Tag Team Championship - Jeff Jarrett & Owen Hart (c) def. D’Lo Brown & Test

5. Brawl for All Boxing Match - Butterbean def. Bart Gunn
SGR - Vinny Pazienza

6. Singles Match to be Referee for Main Event - Mankind def. The Big Show via DQ

7. WWF Intercontinental Championship (4 Corner Elimination Match) - Road Dogg (c) def. Goldust, Val Venis, & Ken Shamrock

8. Kane def. Triple H via DQ

9. WWF Women’s Championship - Sable (c) def. Tori

10. WWF European Championship - Shane MacMahon (c) def. X-Pac

11. Hell in a Cell Match - The Undertaker def. Big Boss Man

12. WWF Championship (No DQ Match) - Stone Cold Steve Austin def. The Rock (c)
SGR - Mankind