WWF WrestleMania XIV (1998)

March 29, 1998
Fleet Center, Boston MA
Attendance - 19,028 PPV Buy Rate - 730,000

1. #1 Contendership Tag Team Battle Royal for WWF Tag Team Championship - LOD 2000 (Hawk & Animal) won

2. WWF Light Heavyweight Championship - Taka Michinoku (c) def. Aguila

3. WWF European Championship - Triple H (c) def. Owen Hart

4. Mixed Tag Team Match - Marc Mero & Sable def. The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust & Luna Vachon

5. WWF Intercontinental Championship - The Rock (c) def. Ken Shamrock via DQ

6. WWF Tag Team Championship (Dumpster Match) - Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie def. The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Billy Gunn) (c); Title Change

7. The Undertaker def. Kane

8. WWF Championship - Stone Cold Steve Austin def. Shawn Michaels (c); Title Change

SGE - “Iron” Mike Tyson