WWF Unforgiven (2000)
September 24, 2000
First Union Center, Philadelphia PA
Attendance - 18,092 PPV Buy Rate - 605,000
1. Right to Censor (Steven Richards, The Goodfather, Val Venis, & Bull Buchanan) def. The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von), & The APA (Bradshaw & Faarooq)
2. Strap Match - Tazz def. Jerry Lawler via Tech Sub
3. WWF Hardcore Championship (10 Min. Hardcore Battle Royal) - Steve Blackman def. Perry Saturn (c), Crash Holly, Test, Al Snow, & Funaki; Title Change
4. Chris Jericho def. X-Pac
5. WWF Tag Team Championship (Steel Cage Match) - The Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff) def. Edge & Christian (c) via Escape; Title Change
6. WWF Intercontinental Championship - Eddie Guerrero (c) def. Rikishi via DQ
7. No DQ Match - Triple H def. Kurt Angle
SGR - Mick Foley
8. WWF Championship (Fatal 4-Way Match) - The Rock (c) def. Chris Benoit, Kane, & The Undertaker