WWF Unforgiven:

In Your House (1998)

April 26, 1998
Greensboro Coliseum Complex, Greensboro NC
Attendance - 21,247 PPV Buy Rate - 300,000

1. Ken Shamrock, Steve Blackman, & Faarooq def. The Nation of Domination (The Rock, Mark Henry, & D’Lo Brown")

2. WWF European Championship - Triple H (c) def. Owen Hart

3. NWA World Tag Team Championship - The New Midnight Express (Bombastic Bob & Bodacious Bart) (c) def. The Rock ‘N’ Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson)

4. Evening Gown Match - Luna Vachon def. Sable

5. WWF Tag Team Championship - The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Billy Gunn) (c) def. LOD 2000 (Hawk & Animal)

6. Inferno Match - The Undertaker def. Kane

7. WWF Championship - Dude Love def. Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) via DQ