WWF Survivor Series (1998)

November 15, 1998
Kiel Center, St. Louis MO
Attendance - 21,179 PPV Buy Rate - 478,000

1. (Heat) Too Much (Brian Christopher & Scott Taylor) def. The Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff)

2. (Heat) The J.O.B. Squad (Bob Holly & Scorpio) def. The Legion of Doom (Animal & Droz)

3. (Heat) Val Venis def. Tiger Ali Singh

4. (Heat) Gangrel def. Steve Blackman

5. 1st Rd Match - Mankind def. Duane Gill

6. 1st Rd Match - Al Snow def. Jeff Jarrett

7. 1st Rd Match - Stone Cold Steve Austin def. Big Boss Man via DQ

8. 1st Rd Match - Steven Regal vs. X-Pac via Double CO

9. 1st Rd Match - Ken Shamrock def. Goldust

10. 1st Rd Match - The Rock def. Big Boss Man

11. Quarter-Final Match - The Undertaker def. Kane

12. Quarter-Final Match - Mankind def. Al Snow

13. Quarter-Final Match - The Rock def. Ken Shamrock

14. WWF Women’s Championship - Sable def. Jacqueline (c); Title Change

15. Semi-Final Match - Mankind def. Stone Cold Steve Austin

16. Semi-Final Match - The Rock def. The Undertaker

17. WWF Tag Team Championship (Triple Threat Match) - The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Billy Gunn) (c) def. The Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher), & Mark Henry & D’Lo Brown

18. Vacant WWF Championship (Tournament Finals) - The Rock def. Mankind; New Champion