WWF Survivor Series (1997)

November 9, 1997
Molson Centre, Montreal Quebec CAN
Attendance - 20,593 PPV Buy Rate - 250,000

1. 4-on-4 Survivor Series Match - New Age Outlaws (Jesse James & Billy Gunn) & The Godwinns (Phineas I. & Henry O.) def. The Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher) & The New Blackjacks (Blackjack Bradshaw & Blackjack Windham)

2. 4-on-4 Survivor Series Match - The Truth Commission (Sniper, Recon, The Jackal, & The Interrogator) def. The Disciples of Apocalypse (Crush, Nailz, Skull, & 8-Ball)

3. 4-on-4 Survivor Series Match - Team Canada (British Bulldog, & Jim Neidhart, Phil LaFon, & Doug Furnas) def. Team USA (Vader, Steve Blackman, Goldust, & Marc Mero)

4. Kane def. Mankind

5. 4-on-4 Survivor Series Match - Ken Shamrock, Ahmed Johnson, & Legion of Doom (Hawk & Animal) def. Nation of Domination (Faarooq, Rocky Maivia, Kama Mustafa, & D’Lo Brown)

6. WWF Intercontinental Championship - Stone Cold Steve Austin def. Owen Hart (c); Title Change

7. WWF Championship - Shawn Michaels def. Bret “The Hitman” Hart (c)