WWF SummerSlam (1999)
August 22, 1999
Target Center, Minneapolis MN
Attendance - 17,370 PPV Buy Rate - 600,000
1. WWF Intercontinental & WWF European Championship - Jeff Jarret def. D’Lo Brown (c); Both Titles Changed Hands
2. #1 Contendership Tag Team Turmoil Match for the WWF Tag Team Championship - The Acolytes (Bradshaw & Faarooq) def. Edge & Christian, The New Brood (Matt & Jeff Hardy), Mideon & Viscera, Droz & Prince Albert, & The Holly Cousins (Hardcore Holly & Crash Holly)
3. WWF Championship - Al Snow def. Big Boss Man (c); Title Change
4. WWF Women’s Championship - Ivory (c) def. Tori
5. Lion’s Den Weapons Match - Ken Shamrock def. Steve Blackman
6. Love Her or Leave Her Greenwich Street Fight - Test def. Shane McMahon
Since Test won, he could marry Stephanie McMahon with no interference
7. WWF Tag Team Championship - The Unholy Alliance - The Undertaker & Big Show def. Kane & X-Pac (c); Title Change
8. Kiss My Ass Match - The Rock def. Billy Gunn
9. WWF Championship (Triple Threat Match) - Mankind def. Triple H, & Stone Cold Steve Austin (c); Title Change
SGR - Jesse “The Body” Ventura