WWF SummerSlam (1998)
August 30, 1998
Madison Square Garden, New York City NY
Attendance - 21,588 PPV Buy Rate - 700,000
Theme Song - “Highway to Hell” AC/DC
1. (Heat) Too Much (Brian Christopher & Scott Taylor) def. LOD 2000 (Hawk & Animal)
2. (Heat) Gangrel def. Dustin Runnels
3. (Heat) The Disciples of Apocalypse (Skull & 8-Ball) def. Bradshaw & Vader
4. WWF European Championship - D’Lo Brown (c) def. Val Venis via DQ
5. Handicap Match - The Oddities (Kurrgan, Giant Silva, & Golga) def. Kaientai (Taka Michinoku, Funaki, Mens Teioh, & Dick Togo)
6. Hair vs. Hair Match - X-Pac def. Jeff Jarrett
7. Mixed tag Team Match - Edge & Sable def. Marc Mero & Jacqueline
8. Lion’s Den Match - Ken Shamrock def. Owen Hart
9. WWF Tag team Championship (Handicap Falls Count Anywhere Match) - The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Billy Gunn) def. Mankind (c)
10. WWF Intercontinental Championship (Ladder Match) - Triple H def. The Rock (c)
11. WWF Championship (No DQ Match) - Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) def. The Undertaker