WWF SummerSlam (1991)

August 26, 1991
Madison Square Garden, New York NY
Attendance - 20,000

1. (Dark) - Koko B. Ware def. Kato

2. The British Bulldog, The Texas Tornado, & The Dragon def. The Warlord, & Power and Glory (Paul Roma & Hercules)

3. WWF Intercontinental Championship - Bret “Hitman” Hart def. Mr. Perfect (c); Title Change

4. The Natural Disasters (Earthquake & Typhoon) def. The Bushwhackers (Luke & Butch)

5. Million Dollar Championship - Virgil def. Ted DiBiase (c); Title Change

6. Jailhouse Match - Big Boss Man def. The Mountie

7. WWF Tag Team Championship (Street Fight) - The Legion of Doom (Hawk & Animal) def. The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) (c); Title Change

8. Irwin R. Schyster def. Greg Valentine

9. Hulk Hogan & The Ultimate Warrior def. The Triangle of Terror (Sgt. Slaughter, General Adnan, & Col. Mustafa)
SGR - Sid Justice