WWF SummerSlam (1988)
August 29, 1988
Madison Square Garden, New York NY
Attendance - 20,000 PPV Buy Rate - 400,000
1. The Fabulous Rougeaus (Jacques & Raymond) vs. The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith & Dynamite Kid) via TLD
2. Bad News Brown def. Ken Patera
3. Rick Rude def. Junkyard Dog via DQ
4. The Powers of Pain (Warlord & Barbarian) def. The Bolsheviks (Nikita Koloff def. Boris Zhukov)
5. WWF Intercontinental Championship - The Ultimate Warrior def. Hoky Tonk Man (c); Title Change
6. Dino Bravo def. Don Muraco
7. WWF Tag Team Championship - Demolition (Ax & Smash) (c) def. The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart)
8. Big Boss Man def. Koko B. Ware
9. Jake “The Snake” Roberts def. Hecules
10. The Mega Powers (Randy “Macho Man” Savage & Hulk Hogan) def. The Mega Bucks (Ted DiBiase & Andre the Giant)
SGR - Jesse “The Body” Ventura