WWF Royal Rumble (2001)

January 21, 2001
New Orleans Arena, New Orleans LA
Attendance - 17,137 PPV Buy Rate - 625,000

1. (Heat) Lo Down (D’Lo Brown & Chaz) def. Kaientai (Taka Michinoku & Funkai)

2. WWF Tag Team Championship - The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von) def. Edge & Christian (c); Title Change

3. WWF Intercontinental Championship (Ladder Match) - Chris Jericho (c) def. Chris Benoit (c); Title Change

4. WWF Women’s Championship - Ivory (c) def. Chyna

5. WWF Championship - Kurt Angle (c) def. Triple H

6. Royal Rumble Match for Title Shot at WrestleMania X-Seven - Stone Cold Steve Austin won

Rumble Participants (in order) - Jeff Hardy, Bull Buchanan, Matt Hardy, Faarooq, Drew Carey, Kane, Raven, Al Snow, Perry Saturn, Steve Blackman, Grandmaster Sexay, Honky Tonk Man, The Rock, The Goodfather, Tazz, Bradshaw, Albert, Hardcore Holly, K-Kwik, Val Venis, William Regal, Test, Big Show, Crash Holly, The Undertaker, Scotty 2 Hotty, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Billy Gunn, Haku, & Rikishi