WWF Royal Rumble (2000)

January 23, 2000
Madison Square Garden, New York City NY
Attendance - 19,231 PPV Buy Rate - 590,000

1. Tazz def. Kurt Angle via Tech Sub

2. Tag Team Tables Match - The Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff) def. The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von)

3. Miss Rumble 2000 Swimsuit Contest - Mae Young def. The Kat, Ivory, Luna Vachon, B.B., Jacqueline, & Terri

4. Undisputed WWF Intercontinental Championship (Triple Threat Match) - Chris Jericho (co-c) def. Chyna (co-c), & Hardcore Holly

  • Before the match, Jericho & Chyna were co-champions

5. WWF Tag Team Championship - The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Billy Gunn) (c) def. The Acolytes (Bradshaw & Faarooq)

6. WWF Championship (Street Fight) - Triple H (c) def. Cactus Jack

7. Royal Rumble Match for a Title Shot at WrestleMania 2000 - The Rock won

Rumble Participants (in order) - D’Lo Brown, Grandmaster Sexay, Mosh, Christian, Rikishi, Scotty 2 Hotty, Steve Blackman, Viscera, Big Boss Man, Test, The British Bulldog, Gangrel, Edge, Bob Backlund, Chris Jericho, Crash Holly, Chyna, Faarooq, Road Dogg, Al Snow, Val Venis, Prince Albert, Hardcore Holly, The Rock, Billy Gunn, Big Show, Bradshaw, Kane, The Godfather, X-Pac