WWF Royal Rumble (1997)
January 19, 1997
Alamodome, San Antonio TX
Attendance - 60,477 PPV Buy Rate - 244,000
1. (Dark) Perro Aguayo Jr. & Venum def. Maniaco & Mosco de la Merced
2. (Dark) Blue Demon Jr, Octagon, & Tinieblas Jr. def. Abismo Negro, Heavy Metal, & Histeria
3. (Free) Mascarita Sagrada Jr. & La Parkita def. Mini Mankind & Mini Vader
4. WWF Intercontinental Championship - Hunter Hearst Helmsley (c) def. Goldust
5. Ahmed Johnson def. Faarooq via DQ
6. Vader def. The Undertaker
7. Canek, Hector Garza, & Perro Aguayo def. Fuerza Guerrera, Heavy Metal, & Jerry Estrada
8. Royal Rumble Match for Title Shot at WrestleMania 13 - Stone Cold Steve Austin won
9. WWF Championship - Shawn Michaels def. Sycho Sid (c); Title Change
Rumble Participants (in order) - Crush, Ahmed Johnson, “Razor Ramon”, Phineas I. Godwinn, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Bart Gunn, Jake “The Snake” Roberts, The British Bulldog, Pierroth, The Sultan, Mil Mascaras, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Owen Hart, Goldust, Cibernetico, Marc Mero, Latin Lover, Faarooq, Savio Vega, Jesse James, Bret “The Hitman” Hart, Jerry Lawler, “Diesel”, Terry Funk, Rocky Maivia, Mankind, Flash Funk, Vader, Henry O. Godwinn, & The Undertaker