WWF Royal Rumble (1996)

January 21, 1996
Selland Arena, Fresno CA
Attendance - 9,600 PPV Buy Rate - 260,000

1. (Free) Singles Match (Winner gets #30 in Rumble, Loser gets #1) - Duke “The Dumpster” Drose def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

2. Ahmed Johnson def. Jeff Jarrett via DQ

3. WWF Tag Team Championship - The Smoking Gunns (Billy Gunn & Bart Gunn) (c) def. The Bodydonnas (Skip & Zip)

4. WWF Intercontinental Championship - Goldust def. Razor Ramon (c); Title Change

5. Royal Rumble Match for Title Shot at WrestleMania XII - Shawn Michaels won

6. WWF Championship - The Undertaker def. Bret “The Hitman” Hart (c) via DQ

Rumble Participants (in order) - Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Henry O. Godwin, Bob Backlund, Jerry Lawler, Bob Holly, King Mabel, Jake “The Snake” Roberts, Dory Funk Jr., Yokozuna, 1-2-3 Kid, Takao Omori, Savio Vega, Vader, Doug Gilbert, Squat Teamer # 1, Squat Teamer #2, Owen Hart, Shawn Michaels, Hakushi, Tatanka, Aldo Montoya, Diesel, Kama, The Ringmaster, Barry Horowitz, Fatu, Isaac Yankem DDS, Marty Jannetty, The British Bulldog, & Duke “The Dumpster” Drose