WWF Over the Edge (1999)

May 23, 1999
Kemper Arena, Kansas City MS
Attendance - 16,472 PPV Buy Rate - 430,000

1. (Heat) Meat def. Brian Christopher

2. (Heat) The Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff) def. Goldust & The Blue Meanie

3. (Heat) Mideon vs. Mr. McMahon via NC

4. WWF Tag Team Championship - Kane & X-Pac (c) def. Mark Henry & D’Lo Brown

5. WWF Hardcore Championship - Al Snow (c) def. Hardcore Holly

- The next scheduled match was WWF Intercontinental Champion The Godfather vs. The Blue Blazer (Owen Hart), unfortunately while Hart was being lowered to the ring on a rig, the rig snapped and Owen fell to the mat. Owen was rushed off to the nearest hospital and would pass away. R.I.P. Owen Hart

6. Mixed Tag Team Match - Val Venis & Nicole Bass def. Jeff Jarrett & Debra

7. Billy Gunn def. Road Dogg

8. 8-Man Tag Team Elimination Match - The Union (Mankind, Ken Shamrock, Test, & Big Show) def. The Corporate Ministry (Big Boss Man, Viscera, Bradshaw, & Faarooq)

9. The Rock def. Triple H via DQ

10. WWF Championship - The Undertaker def. Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)
SGR - Shane McMahon