WWF No Way Out of Texas:

In Your House (1998)

February 15, 1998
Compaq Center, Houston TX
Attendance - 16,110 PPV Buy Rate - 150,000

1. The Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher) def. The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust & Marc Mero

2. WWF Light Heavyweight Championship - Taka Michinoku (c) def. Pantera

3. The Godwinns (Phineas I. & Henry O.) def. The Quebecers (Jacques & Pierre)

4. NWA North American Heavyweight Championship - Justin Bradshaw def. Jeff Jarrett (c) via DQ

5. War of Attrition Match - Ken Shamrock, Ahmed Johnson, & The Disciples of Apocalypse (Skull, Chainz, & 8-Ball) def. The Nation of Domination (Faarooq, The Rock, Mark Henry, Kama Mustafa, & D’Lo Brown)

6. Kane def. Vader

7. Non-Sanctioned Match - Stone Cold Steve Austin, Owen Hart, Cactus Jack, & Chainsaw Charlie def. Triple H, The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Billy Gunn), & Savio Vega