WWF No Way Out (2000)

February 27, 2000
Hartford Civic Center, Hartford CT
Attendance - 12,551 PPV Buy Rate - 480,000

1. WWF Intercontinental Championship - Kurt Angle def. Chris Jericho (c); Title Change

2. WWF Tag Team Championship - The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von) def. The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Billy Gunn) (c); Title Change

3. Mark Henry def. Viscera

4. #1 Contendership for the WWF Tag team Championship - Edge & Christian def. The Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff)

5. Tazz def. Big Boss Man via DQ

6. No Holds Barred Match - X-Pac def. Kane

7. Too Cool (Scotty 2 Hotty, Grandmaster Sexay, & Rikishi) def. The Radicalz (Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, & Perry Saturn)

8. Singles Match for WrestleMania Title Shot - The Big Show def. The Rock

9. WWF Championship (Title vs. Career Hell in a Cell Match) - Triple H (c) def. Cactus Jack

  • Since he lost, Mick Foley was forced to retire