WWF No Mercy (1999)

October 17, 1999
Gund Arena, Cleveland OH
Attendance - 18,742 PPV Buy Rate - 327,000

1. The Godfather def. Mideon

2. WWF Women’s Championship - Fabulous Moolah def. Ivory; Title Change

3. The Hollys (Crash Holly & Hardcore Holly) def. The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Billy Gunn)

4. WWF Intercontinental Championship (Good Housekeeping Match) - Chyna def. Jeff Jarrett (c); Title Change

5. The Rock def. The British Bulldog

6. Tag Team Ladder Match (Terri Invitational Tournament Finals for Terri’s Managerial Services & $100,00) - The New Brood (Matt & Jeff Hardy) def. Edge & Christian

7. Val Venis def. Mankind

8. 4 Corners Elimination Match - X-Pac def, Bradshaw, Faarooq, & Kane

9. WWF Championship (Anything Goes Match) - Triple H (c) def. Stone Cold Steve Austin