WWF King of the Ring (1995)

June 25, 1995
CoreStates Spectrum, Philadelphia PA
Attendance - 16,590 PPV Buy Rate - 150,000

1. (Dark) KOTR Qualifying Match - Savio Vega def. Irwin R. Schyster

2. KOTR Quarter-Final Match - Savio Vega def. Yokozuna via CO

3. KOTR Quarter-Final Match - The Roadie def. Bob Holy

4. KOTR Quarter-Final Match - Kama vs. Shawn Michaels via TLD

5. KOTR Quarter-Final Match - Mabel def. The Undertaker

6. KOTR Semi-Final Match - Savio Vega def. The Roadie

7. Kiss My Foot Match - Bret “The Hitman” Hart def. Jerry Lawler

8. King of the Ring Finals Match - Mabel def. Savio Vega

9. Diesel & Bam Bam Bigelow def. Sycho Sid & Tatanka