WWF Judgement Day (2001)

May 20, 2001
ARCO Arena, Sacramento CA
Attendance - 13,623 PPV Buy Rate - 405,000

1. (Heat) Raven def. Val Venis

2. (Heat) The Hiollys (Hardcore Holly & Crash Holly) def. Kaientai (Taka Michinoku & Funaki)

3. William Regal def. Rikishi

4. 2-out-of-3 Falls for Kurt Angle’s Gold Medals - Kurt Angle def. Chris Benoit (2-1)

  • 1st Fall - Pinfalls only

  • 2nd Fall - Submission Only

  • 3rd Fall - Ladder Match

5. WWF Hardcore Championship (Triple Threat Match) - Rhyno (c) def. Test, & The Big Show

6. WWF Women’s Championship - Chyna (c) def. Lita

7. WWF Intercontinental Championship (Steel Chain Match) - Kane def. Triple H (c); Title Change

8. #1 Contendership Tag Team Turmoil Match for WWF Tag Team Championships - Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho def. Edge & Christian, The Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff). The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von), Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko, The APA (Bradshaw & Faarooq), & X-Factor (X-Pac & Justin Credible)

9. WWF Championship (No Holds Barred Match) - Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) def. The Undertaker