WWF Judgement Day:
In Your House (1998)
October 18, 1998
Rosemont Horizon, Rosemont IL
Attendance - 18,153 PPV Buy Rate - 305,000
1. (Heat) Steve Blackman def. Bradshaw
2. (Heat) The Oddities (Giant Silva, Kurrgan, & Golga) def. Los Boricuas (Jesus Castillo, Miguel Perez Jr., & Jose Estrada)
3. (Heat) The Godfather def. Faarooq
4. (Heat) Scorpio def. Jeff Jarrett
5. Al Snow def. Marc Mero
6. LOD 2000 (Hawk, Animal, & Droz) def. Disciples of Apocalypse (Skull, 8-Ball, & Paul Ellering)
7. WWF Light Heavyweight Championship - Christian def. Taka Michinoku (c); Title Change
8. Goldust def. Val Venis
9. WWF European Championship - X-Pac def. D’Lo Brown (c); Title Change
10. WWF Tag Team Championship - The Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher) def. The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Billy Gunn) (c) via DQ
11. WWF Intercontinental Championship - Ken Shamrock (c) def. Mankind
12. Mark Henry def. The Rock
13. Vacant WWF Championship - The Undertaker vs. Kane ended in double pinfall/NC
SGR - Stone Cold Steve Austin
Since no champion was crowned, Stone Cold was fired