WWF In Your House 8:
Beware of Dog (1996)
* Due to a severe thunderstorm, electricity was lost during the majority of the original event. Some matches were re-done a few days later on free TV*
Night 1 - May 26, 1996
Florence Civic Center, Florence SC
Attendance - 6,000 PPV Buy Rate - 110,000
1. (Free) WWF Tag Team Championship - The Smoking Gunns (Billy Gunn & Bart Gunn) def. The Godwinns (Phineas I. & Henry O.) (c); Title Change
2. (Dark) Bob Holly def. Isaac Yankem DDS
3. Marc Mero def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
4. (Dark) Caribbean Strap Match - Savio Vega def. Stone Cold Steve Austin
5. (Dark) Yokozuna def. Vader
6. (Dark) WWF Intercontinental Championship (Casket Match) - Goldust (c) def. The Undertaker
7. (Dark) Jake “The Snake” Roberts def. Justin Bradshaw
8. WWF Championship - Shawn Michaels (c) vs. The British Bulldog via NC
9. (Dark) Ahmed Johnson def. Jerry Lawler
10. (Dark) The Ultimate Warrior def. Owen Hart
Night 2 - May 28, 1996
North Charleston Coliseum, North Charleston SC
Attendance - 4,500 (Was also a WWF Superstars Taping)
1. Caribbean Strap Match - Savio Vega def. Stone Cold Steve Austin
Due to Austin’s loss Ted DiBiase had to leave the WWF
2. Vader def. Yokozuna
3. WWF Intercontinental Championship (Casket Match) - Goldust (c) def. The Undertaker