WWF Ground Zero:

In Your House 17 (1997)

September 7, 1997
Louisville Gardens, Louisville KY
Attendance - 4,963 PPV Buy Rate - 126,000

1. Brian Pillman def. Goldust

2. Brian Christopher def. Scott Putski via CO

3. Triple Threat Match - Savio Vega def. Faarooq, & Crush

4. Max Mini def. El Torito

5. Vacant WWF Tag Team Championship (Four-Way Elimination Match) - The Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher) def. Owen Hart & British Bulldog, The Godwinns (Phineas I. & Henry O.), & Legion of Doom (Hawk & Animal); New Champions

6. WWF Championship - Bret “The Hitman” Hart (c) def. The Patriot

7. Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker via NC