WWF In Your House 15:

A Cold Day in Hell (1997)

May 11, 1997
Richmond Coliseum, Richmond VA
Attendance - 14,381 PPV Buy Rate - 143,000

1. (Free) Rockabilly def. Jesse James

2. Hunter Hearst Helmsley def. Flash Funk

3. Mankind def. Mankind via Tech Sub

4. Gauntlet Match - The Nation of Domination (Faarooq, Savio Vega, & Crush) def. Ahmed Johnson

5. No Holds Barred Match - Ken Shamrock def. Vader

6. WWF Championship - The Undertaker (c) def. Stone Cold Steve Austin

7. (Dark) WWF Tag Team Championship - The Legion of Doom ( Hawk & Animal) def. Owen Hart & The British Bulldog (c) via DQ