WWF Fully Loaded (2000)
July 23, 2000
Reunion Arena, Dallas TX
Attendance - 16,504 PPV Buy Rate - 420,000
1. Mixed Tag Team Match - The Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff) & Lita def. T & A (Test & Albert) & Trish Stratus
2. Tazz def. Al Snow
3. WWF European Championship - Perry Saturn def. Eddie Guerrero (c); Title Change
4. WWF Tag Team Championship - The APA (Bradshaw & Faarooq) def. Edge & Christian (c) via DQ
5. WWF Intercontinental Championship (Steel Cage Match) - Val Venis (c) def. Rikishi
6. The Undertaker def. Kurt Angle
7. Last Man Standing Match - Triple H def. Chris Jericho
8. WWF Championship - The Rock (c) def. Chris Benoit
If The Rock was disqualified he would lose title. Shane McMahon attacked the ref, and The Rock was blamed & disqualified. Commish Foley came out and restarted the match.