WWF Fully Loaded (1999)

July 25, 1999
Marine Midland Arena, Buffalo NY
Attendance - 16,605 PPV Buy Rate - 360,000

1. (Heat) Val Venis def. Joey Abs

2. (Heat) The Godfather def. Meat

3. (Heat) Christian def. Viscera

4. WWF Intercontinental Championship - Jeff Jarrett def. Edge (c); Title Change

5. WWF Tag Team Championship (Handicap Acolytes Rules Match) - The Acolytes (Bradshaw & Faarooq) def. The Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff) (c) & Michael P.S. Hayes; Title Change

6. WWF European Championship - D’Lo Brown def. Mideon (c); Title Change

7. WWF Hardcore Championship - Big Boss Man def. Al Snow (c); Title Change

8. Big Show def. Kane
SGR - Hardcore Holly

9. Iron Circle Match - Ken Shamrock def. Steve Blackman

10. Tag Team Match for the rights to the DX name - Road Dogg & X-Pac def. Billy Gunn & Chyna

11. #1 Contendership Fully Loaded Strap Match for the WWF Championship at SummerSlam - Triple H def. The Rock

12. WWF Championship (First Blood Match) - Stone Cold Steve Austin def. The Undertaker (c); Title Change

  • Since Austin won, Vince McMahon was banished from the WWF

  • If Austin lost, he would never get a WWF Championship title shot ever again