WWF Backlash (2000)

April 30, 2000
MCI Center, Washingon D.C.
Attendance - 19,101 PPV Buy Rate - 650,000

1. WWF Tag Team Championship - Edge & Christian (c) def. D-Generation X (X-Pac & Road Dogg)

2. WWF Light Heavyweight Championship - Dean Malenko (c) def. Scotty 2 Hotty

3. The Big Boss Man & Bull Buchanan def. The APA (Bradshaw & Faarooq)

4. WWF Hardcore Championship (6 Pack Challenge) - Crash Holly (c) def. Tazz, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Hardcore Holly, & Perry Saturn

5. Big Show def. Kurt Angle

6. T & A (Test & Albert) def. The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von)

7. WWF European Championship - Eddie Guerrero (c) def. Essa Rios

8. WWF Intercontinental Championship - Chris Benoit (c) def. Chris Jericho via DQ

9. WWF Championship - The Rock def. Triple H (c); Title Change
SGR - Shane McMahon