WWE No Way Out (SD) (2004)

February 15, 2004
Cow Palace, Daly City CA
Attendance - 11,000 PPV Buy Rate - 350,000
Theme Song - “Crossing Borders” by Rey Mysterio

1. (Heat) Tajiri, Akio, & Sakoda def. Billy Kidman, Paul London, & Ultimo Dragon

2. WWE Tag team Championship (Handicap Match) - Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty (c) def. The Basham Brothers (Danny & Doug) and Sahniqua

3. Jaime Noble def. Nadia

4. World’s Greatest Tag team (Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin) def. The APA (Bradshaw & Faarooq)

5. Hardcore Holly def. Rhyno

6. WWE Cruiserweight Championship - Chavo Guerrero def. Rey Mysterio (c); Title Change

7. #1 Contendership Triple Threat Match for a WWE Championship Title Shot at WrestleMania XX - Kurt Angle def. Big Show & John Cena

8. WWE Championship - Eddie Guerrero def. Brock Lesnar (c); Title Change