WWE No Mercy (2002)
October 20, 2002
Alltel Arena, North Little Rock AK
Attendance - 10,000 PPV Buy Rate - 300,000
Theme Song - “No Mercy” by Jim Johnston
1. (Raw) The Hurricane def. Steven Richards
2. (Raw) World Tag Team Championship - Chris Jericho & Christian (c) def. Booker T & Goldust
3. (SD) Torrie Wilson def. Dawn Marie
4. (Raw) Rob Van Dam def. Ric Flair
5. (SD) WWE Cruiserweight Championship - Jaime Noble (c) def. Taijiri
6. World Heavyweight & WWE Intercontinental Championship (Title Unification Match) - Triple H (WH) def. Kane (IC); Titles Unified
7. Inaugural WWE Tag Team Championship (Tournament Final) - Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle def. Edge & Rey Mysterio; New Champion
8. (Raw) WWE Women’s Championship - Trish Stratus (c) def. Victoria
9. WWE Championship (Hell in a Cell Match) - Brock Lesnar def. The Undertaker