WCW Starrcade ‘91:
Battlebowl - The Lethal Lottery (1991)
December 29, 1991
Norfolk Scope, Norfolk VA
Attendance - 7,600 PPV Buy Rate - 140,000
1. Lethal Lottery Tag team Match - Marcus Bagwell & Jimmy Garvin def. Michael Hayes & Tracy Smothers
2. Lethal Lottery Tag team Match - Steve Austin & Rick Rude def. Van Hammer & Big Josh
3. Lethal Lottery Tag team Match - Dustin Rhodes & Richard Morton def. Larry Zbyszko & El Gigante
4. Lethal Lottery Tag team Match - Bill Kazmaier & Jushin Thunder Liger def. Diamond Dallas Page & Mike Graham
5. Lethal Lottery Tag team Match - Lex Luger & Arn Anderson def. Terrance Taylor & Z-Man
6. Lethal Lottery Tag team Match - Ricky Steamboat & Todd Champion def. Cactus Jack & Buddy Lee Parker
7. Lethal Lottery Tag team Match - Sting & Abdullah the Butcher def. Brian Pillman & Bobby Eaton
8. Lethal Lottery Tag team Match - Big Van Vader & Mr. Hughes def. Rick Steiner & The Nightstalker
9. Lethal Lottery Tag team Match - Scott Steiner & Firebreaker Chip def. Arachnaman & Johnny B. Badd
10. Lethal Lottery Tag team Match - Ron Simmons & Thomas Rich def. Steve Armstrong & P.N. News
11. Battlebowl Match - Sting wins