WCW Halloween
Havoc (1993)
October 24, 1993
Lakefront Arena, New Orleans LA
Attendance - 6,000
1. Ice Train, Charlie Norris, & The Shockmaster def. Harlem Heat (Kole & Kane), and The Equalizer
2. Paul Orndorff def. Ricky Steamboat via CO
3. WCW World Television Championship - Lord Steven Regal (c) vs. Davey Boy Smith via TLD (15:00)
4. WCW United States Championship - Dustin Rhodes (c) def. Steve Austin
5. WCW World Tag Team Championship - The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) def. 2 Cold Scorpio & Marcus Alexander Bagwell (c); Title Change
6. Sting def. Sid Vicious
7. WCW International World Heavyweight Championship - Rick Rude (c) def. Ric Flair via DQ
8. Texas Death Match - Vader def. Cactus Jack