TNA Victory Road (2004)

November 7, 2004
TNA Impact! Zone, Orlando FL
Attendance - 700 PPV Buy Rate - 25,000

1. 20-Man X-Division Gauntlet Match of the X Division Cup - Hector Graza def. Kazarian, Sonjay Dutt, Puma, L.A. Park, Jerrelle Clark, Miyamoto, Michael Shane, Nosawa, Mikey Batts, Alex Shelley, Matt Sydal, Sonny Siaki, Jason Cross, Shark Boy, Psicosis, D-Ray 3000, Amazing Red, Spanky, & Chris Sabin

2. Ron Killings, Johnny B. Badd, Erik Watts, & Pat Kenney def. The Naturals (Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas), Kid Kash, & Dallas

3. Mascarita Sagrade def. Piratita Morgan

4. NWA World Tag team Championship - 3 Live Kru (B.G. James & Konnan) def. Team Canada (Bobby Roode & Eric Young) (c); Title Change

5. Stephanie Trinity def. Jacqueline

6. Monster’s Ball Match - Monty Brown def. Abyss, & Raven

7. TNA X-Division Championship - Petey Williams (c) def. AJ Styles

8. Last Man Standing Elimination Match - America’s Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm) def. Triple X (Christopher Daniels & Elix Skipper)

9. NWA World Heavyweight Championship (Ladder Match) - Jeff Jarrett (c) def. Jeff Hardy