ROH Death Before Dishonor (2022)
July 23, 2022
Tsongas Center, Lowell MA
Attendance -
1. (Pre) Colt Cabana def. Anthony Henry
2. (Pre) The Trust Busters (Ari Daivari & Slim J) def. The Shinobi Shadow Squad (Eli Isom & Cheeseburger)
3. (Pre) The Embassy (Brian Cage & The Gates of Agony (Jasper Kaun & Toa Liona)) def. Alex Zayne, Blake Christian, & Tony Deppen
4. (Pre) Willow Nighingale def. Allysin Kay
5. ROH World Championship - Claudio Castagnoli def. Johnathan Gresham (c); Title Change
6. ROH World 6-Man Tag Team Championship - Dalton Castle & The Boys (Brandon Tate & Brent Tate) def. The Righteous (Vincent, Bateman, & Dutch) (c); Title Change
7. ROH Pure Championship (Pure Wrestling Rules Match) - Wheeler Yuta (c) def. Daniel Garcia
8. Rush def. Dragon Lee
9. ROH Women’s World Championship - Mercedes Martinez (c) def. Serena Deeb
10. ROH World Television Championship - Samoa Joe (c) def. Jay Lethal
11. ROH World Tag Team Championship (2-out-of-3 Falls Match) - FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) (c) def The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay); (2-1)